Wednesday, December 21, 2005

To speak out against an evil

Precious pearl

We are told to speak out if we see an evil. How can we feel happy in a society that allows Homosexual couples to legally register their union and to have the same legal rights as hetrosexual couples. Sodomy is a sin and is condemmed not just in the quran but also in the Bible . This is not an normal thing it is attacking the whole of the moral and social fibre of the society that we live in . Once people start comitting sins openly and in blatant breach of the laws of God usually the society collaspes look at all the previous civilisations that have collasped and that is usually through decadence and sinning.

These people are not to be admired but to be despised esp the likes of certain well known characters.


Blogger Anne Rettenberg LCSW said...

That doesn't sound very humble to me! It sounds judgmental.

People aren't going to be more homosexual when it's legal, just like they were never less homosexual when it was illegal.

30 December, 2005 17:33  

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