Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Servants of the most merciful

Precious pearl

B i s m i l l a a h i r R a h m a a n i r R a h e e m

And the (faithful) slaves of Allah are those who walk on the earth in humility and sedateness, and when the foolish address them (with bad words) they reply back with mild words of gentleness.

(Surah Al-Furqan 25:63)

Sunday, February 19, 2006


Precious pearlDid you know that...

The name Muhammad means the one who is praised and thanked very much.
"Islam" literally means "peace through the submission to God".
Islam is a complete way of life that governs all facets of life: moral, spiritual, social, political, economical...etc
1 in every 5 people on the planet is a Muslim
Muslims believe in and acknowledge all the prophets before Muhammad (pbuh), from Adam to Moses to Jesus. Muslims also believe that these prophets were "muslims" because they submitted their wills to God.
Muslims accept the original unaltered Torah (the Gospel of Moses) and the original Bible (the Gospel of Jesus) since they were revealed by God. However, none of those original scriptures are in existence today, in their entirety. Therefore, Muslims follow the subsequent, final, and preserved revelation of God, the Holy Qur'an. The Holy Qur'an has no flaws or contradictions. The original Arabic scriptures have never been changed or tampered with since it was revealed 1427 years ago.

Friday, February 17, 2006


Precious pearl Democracy has all but vanished in this country.. Blair wants to pass a law that allows him to change or amend laws without the need to put it to parliament. The first thing he did when he got into power was to wipe away most of the House of lords .

I was never very impressed with Democracy anyway . When Hamas won the elections , The west decided to stop the funds for the palestinians also they are talking of ways to get rid of Hamas. By the way I if I say I support Hamas am I breaking the Glorification of terrorism Law . What type of democracy is that If I support a lawfully elected party.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

New laws

Precious pearlSo the Governemnt has managed to pass the Glorification of terrorism act and the Id Card . I think it is going to be very hard for muslims in this county soon. I feel BIG Brother is here already. I have nothing really against Id cards as most countries have some sort of Id card, but I think it should be voluntary and that it should not be linked to when you get a new passport or renew your old one.

So I could possibly be prosecuted for supporting Hamas or their actions. I cannot see this act being used against any other group.

MY husband was saying the other day we might have to think about moving away from this country and tha the does not see things getting any better here.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Precious pearl

Precious pearlI went to the Lobby in Trafalger Square the other day. It was very cold . I was worried about misssing the prayers, anyway a group of sisters decided to prayer together right next to one of the fountains, so we laid down our placards and prayed , we had so many photggraphers taking our pictures its not very nice when you have camras right in front of your face, do they not think that it is wrong to do that . It was a very peaceful rally the speakers were good and not long winded . I did not stay till the end .

Precious pearl

Precious pearlPrecious pearl
We, therefore, have only some pen-portraits drawn by his companions (R.A), which give us a glimpse of his appearance.

Abdullah bin Salam was a Jew of great learning; the moment he saw the Prophet, he was convinced of the truth of his mission and embraced Islam. He said, “As soon as I saw the Prophet, I realized that this face cannot be that of an impostor.”

Another companion, Abu Ramsa Taimi(R.A) says, “I went to the Prophet with my son and the people there pointed him out to me. Immediately my son and the people there pointed him out to me. Immediately on seeing him I was convinced that he was truly a messenger of God.”

Abu Huraira(R.A) remarked, “The Prophet was like a bright sun. I have not seen a more handsome than the Prophet.

Rab’ee, daughter of Mu’awwaz. Had said, “If you had seen the Prophet, you would have felt as if the sun had risen.”

Hazrath Ali(R.A) said, “On the very first sight of him you would feel awe.”

Hazrath Jabir(R.A) Samra said, “I was once looking at the Prophet in the moonlight and comparing his face with the moon. At last I realized that the Prophet was much more handsome than the moon

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Precious pearlI wonder how many people are concerned about the Islamophobia that is rearing his head in the west and what future their is for muslims in the west . When you hear that only last week the Houses of Parliament threw out a law that was going to make religous hatred a crime;which leaves muslims unprotected in the eyes of the law. I think Religious hatred should be outlawed.

Today my husband was only saying maybe the time will come when we will have to pack our bags and leave this country. You feel that the west is now openly showing his hatred for Islam and even for the most moderate of muslims.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

important Information

Precious pearlRally against incitement & Islamophobia Saturday 11th February 2006
Date: 11th February 2006
Time: 1pm – 5pm
Venue: Trafalgar Square, London

Press Release: Britain to unite against Islamophobia after cartoons

Public figures from across the political spectrum are expected to unite
this Saturday at a rally against Islamophobia in Trafalgar Square.The
action is taking place in the wake of the cartoon controversy at the
instigation of the Muslim community including the Muslim Council of
Britain and Muslim Association of Britain.

Anas Altikriti of MAB said:

“The first message we want to send to the country is that of the
legitimate voice of the Muslim community as opposed to those that
hijacked last week’s demonstration outside the Danish embassy. We are
people of peace and are trying to do our best also in bridging the gap
between Islam and the West.

“Secondly, to Europe, the lesson from the cartoon is not that Western
newspapers come under the fold of Islamic law. It is actually that
orientalist and Islamophobic caricatures are unacceptable,
irresponsible, and lead to a more polarised world. Jewish leaders and
figures like Bill Clinton have likened it to the characterisation of
Jews over the centuries. We know where that ended up.

“Thirdly, to the Muslim world, we wish to send a message of calm. It
appear to them that there is a great Western conspiracy against their
faith, but there are a large number of people who are on the side of
reconciliation, and we hope that comes out loud and clear on Saturday.”

For more information please contact Media Officer
Ihtisham Hibatullah on 07786257120

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Precious pearl

Precious pearl I blogged yesterday or the day before about the cartoons which offended us as muslims but it seems to have disappeared from my blog . It is time to realiase that the west will never be our friends till we become as them till we lose our religion and we will never loose our religion inshallah .