Sunday, April 16, 2006

dawah project

Precious pearl

Bismi Allah. As-salaamu 'alaikum,


Imagine millions of non-Muslims taking the time out of their busy lives to read about the message of Islam. That's like buying time for an Islamic commercial during the Super Bowl!

What if I told you that it's possible to get millions of non-Muslims to read about Islam, without you even having to ask them to! Without you leaving the comfort of your home! Without you paying even a single cent!

The Pulse Power Project is designed to do just that!

We have put a Qur'an on eBay and, in the item description, we have provided a brief explanation of the basic principles of Islam. Our mission is to get this Qur'an onto eBay Pulse, which is a website that lists the most heavily watched items on eBay ( Thousands upon thousands of non-Muslims regularly view this site to check out the latest items. These items often make the news!

If we get the Qur'an onto eBay Pulse, all those non-Muslims will read the item description and learn about Islam. Imagine, if someone becomes Muslim from this we'll ALL get rewarded, in sha Allah! If you're down with the project, all you need to do is:

1. Quickly register for an eBay account if you don't already have one (it's free and you don't need a credit card). Just go to and click on "register". It's easy!
2. Go to this URL to view the Qur'an:
3. Log in to your account.
4. Click on "watch this item" at the top of the item description.
5. Forward this email to all of your friends, family, MSA lists, community lists, and even put it on your blog or on Islamic forums!

The faster we do this, the faster it will get onto eBay Pulse! If we get about 1,000 Muslims watching the item within a week (and it is very possible!), it should easily get us onto eBay Pulse, in sha Allah! We may even make the news!

If we make any money off this (and I doubt we will) it will be given to Islamic Relief, in sha Allah. We put a huge price tag on it so that nobody buys it. That way it will stay on eBay longer.

Guys, this is da'wah without even having to approach the non-Muslims. They'll read it on their own and maybe become Muslim, in sha Allah! And every Muslim in the world with an internet connection can participate and get some of the reward! So spread the word all over the globe!

Jazaakum Allahu khairan for participating!

-The Pulse Power Team



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