Thursday, July 06, 2006

Books Im reading at the moment

Well I have a couple of books on the go at the moment one Is small study of the hdith Its called Hadith Status and Role;an introduction to the prophets tradition, It is by a very Well Known scholar Sayed abul Hassan Ali Nadwi . It is two essays the first on the on the introduction to the science of studying the hadith and the second essay is on the hadith and the promotion of islamci climate and attidutes.It is easy to read and will give anyone information they need about the hadith sciences etc.

The second book is based on the early Sufis and scholars and about their lives ,it has the likes of Malik ibn Dinar and Hasan Al Basri . I did not realiase that Hasan Al Basra grew up in the house of Umm Salama one of the wifes of the prophet Muhammad (saw) . This book was written By Shaikh Muhammad Ar Rafi who is the ehad of the higher sufi council and a teacher at the Dome of the Rock IN occupied Jerusalem in Palestine. it is a good book and easy to read and is based on thier lives.

Both of these books you can get in London at Dar Al Taqwa bookshop .


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