Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Precious pearl

Abu Hurairah (RA) relates that the Holy Prophet (Pbuh) said: On the day of Judgement Allah the most high, will announce- Where are those persons, who love each other for the sake of my pleasure? This day I am going to shelter them in the shade provided by me. Today there is no shade except my shade. (Muslim)

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Precious pearl

Precious pearl I went out shopping today abd did most of my errands . I was in one of the last shops I intended to go in today got to the checkout and find my handbag is open and my purse is gone with all my money and other things. I was so upset about it I started crying my hormones have been up the creek just recently. I was not so upset about loosing money . Inshallah it will take away some harm or my sins. But the thought of someone going through my personal things. I will not be using that handbag AGAIN .

Do not these peole who rob and steal realise that the money or the goods will never profit them in the long run or the the harm and the sheer inconveinece that they are putting people to. My husband was telling me about a man who had to cancel all his cheques because his cheque books and mobiles were stolen . May Allah (swt) PROTECT us all.

Friday, January 27, 2006


Precious pearlWhen is terrorism not terrorism ? When its performed by the state in the name of fighting terror . We just need to look at Americas Fake war on terror. I think when you are dropping bombs on unarmed villagers or shooting missiles at homes from planes . That is terror.

The Palestinians decided to vote for Hamas in the elections and they got in . People were fed up of all the corruption that had been going on with Fattah especially when they saw america was funding and backing Fattah. I do not support the killings and murders of innocent Israelis but their have been far more deaths of Innocent Palestinian Civilians and mass murders of palestinians by the the security services and by settlers and the illegal occupation of palestinian land and their crops destroyed by them . How many UN RESOLUTIONS has Israel ignored and not been condemmed or had sanctions applied to it.

The biggest threat to peace in the MIDDLE EAST is the state of Israel and not Hamas . HAmas came about because of the oppression and injustice that has been done to the palestinians . They are the party that runs hosptials and helps the people . It was Israel that built a wall and kept the palestinians away from their jobs and land. It is the Israelis who have an policy of murdering civilians and bombing other countries . it is time the west acted against Israel and stop the hypocrisy over Palestine. As The Quran tells us That they say they are the peace makers bu tthey are not. You see the truth of that every day.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


Precious pearlCreation

The Prophet(pbuh) said, "Verily, each one of you is formed in his mother's womb forty days as a drop, then he is something suspended for a similar period, then he is a piece of flesh like a chewed piece of meat for another period of forty days, then the angel is sent to insert the soul. This angel is ordered to record four things: the sustenance which he will receive during his lifetime, the length of his life, all actions that he will do, and whether he will end up miserable (in hell) or joyous (in paradise)".

(Sahih Muslim)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Precious pearl

Precious pearl Today I heard that Dr Zaki Badawai a well known Egyptian Scholar in the UK had passed away suddenly today. He was a well known personality in the UK and was well known for his moderation. Verily we are from Allah and the best return is to him. On the BBC they reported the death as being the death of the foremost liberal muslim leader.

I hate how they use the term liberal and fundamentalism. Liberal seems to stand for wishy wshy and leans towards the west and they use the term fundamentalism as a term for extremism which it is not.
Islam is the middle path and not a path of extremes.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Pin and chips

Precious pearlWho thinks the new Pin and chip cards are safe I dont. A few weeks ago my husband noticed on his statement that someone had set up an direct debit to AOL even through we do not use AOL FOR POLITICAL reasons. They also took out money from his account note this is not the first time that this has happened someone tried the same thing last year tried it here and a few minutes later it was tried in america to the tume of a couple of thousand dollars.

Well today one of my staff members she went to chk her bank balance so she could pay her phone bill and got the shock of her life someone had emptied her bank by using her card in sainsburys and tescos etc each time spending over £150.00 they took out a few hundred pounds . She said to the bank did you not find it suspicious all this unusual spending , they said it was a bit odd and on saturday they cancelled the card . Both these people still had their cards with them. The cards had been cloned.

Since PIN and Chip have been introduced I do not think they are as safe as what the banks let on. On One of the reciepts the whole of the card and expiry number is printed on . So if you have a crooked shop assisant or someone hanging around a till and picking up discarded visa slips . they can easily watch whilst someone keys in their pin number. Even if they do not have th epin at the moment they can overide it an sign the slip till at least febuary.

The woman at the bank said they have had a lot of people complaining since December about this issue.

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Hajj stampede

Precious pearlIt is extremely sad to hear about the stampede and all those hajjis dying; Inshaallah they will be rewarded as martyrs and their Hajj will be accepted.
With so many people going on hajj these days you can say in ways that some sort of tragedy is inevitable and we cannot just blame the saudi authorities for these accidents. Sometimes itis no ones fault and sometimes we need to educate the pilgrims because some of thenm are very ignorant and will push and shove people away in the emotion of it all. I was hit on my face by a stone when I did the stoning a few years ago and I did it before it got really crowded and I was right at the front.

Last year ON leila al qadr I was praying outside in the courtyard as we could not get into the mosque . A lot of pilgrims actually walked over the women when they were praying and were very rude about it.

In the end itis qadr Allah.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Eid Mubarak

Precious pearlWishing every one an Eid mubarak and hope they enjoyed the eid . May all those who have gone on Hajj may thier hajj be sucessful.

Monday, January 09, 2006

The farewell sermaon

Precious pearlFarewell Address

This is the farwell sermon the prophet MUhammamad (peace be upon him deleivered this day over 1400 years ago. /Which is still revelant today and in fact encompasses all the moral values anyone needs to live with.

After mid-day prayers on the 9th of Zul Hajj at Arafat, the Holy Prophet delivered the historic "Hajj Khutba" which has come to be known as the farewell address. After giving praise to God and thanking Him for the bounties that he had conferred on the Muslims, and had crowned their efforts in the cause of the Truth with success. the Holy Prophet said: "O People, listen carefully to my words for I may not be among you next year, nor ever address you again from this spot. O People, just as you regard this month as sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as sacred. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one, so that no one may hurt you. Usury is forbidden. Satan has despiated in leading you astray in big things, so beware of his maneuvers in tempting you in small things. Women have rights over you as you have rights over them. Be good to them. You may soon have to appear before Allah and answer for your deeds. So beware. Do not go astray after I am gone. O People, no prophet will come after me, and no new faith will be born. Worship your Allah. Say your prayers. Keep fast during the month of Ramdhan. Give of your wealth in charity. All Muslims, free or slaves have the same rights and the same responsibilities. None is higher than the other unless he is higher in virtue. Feed your slaves as you feed yourself. Do not oppress them. Do not usurp their rights. All distinctions between the Arabs the non-Arabs, the black and the white are abolished. All Muslims are brothers. Do good. Be faithful to your trusts. Be kind to the orphans. Remember God. Know that while man being mortal is bound to die, God being immortal will live for ever." Having spoken these words, the Holy Prophet turned his face to the Heaven and said: "Be my witness O Allah, that I have conveyed your message to Your people. " Thereupon the people corroborated saying, "Yes, O Prophet of Allah, you have done so, and done it magnificently. "

The following verses were revealed and form part of the Quran and names our religion.

The Revelation

After the Holy Prophet had delivered the address, Allah revealed to him the verses: "This Day have I perfected for you, your faith, and completed My blessings upon you, and have chosen for you Islam as religion. " All other prophets including Moses and Jesus Christ had to leave their unfulfilled mission to their successors. The Holy Prophet of Islam alone had the unique distinction of seeing the successful fruition of his mission during his lifetime.

Reaction of the Companions

As the Companions including Ali heard these verses about the perfection of the faith, they wept because they felt that the mission of the Holy Prophet having been completed, He was apt to depart to meet his Lord.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

a stolen car

Precious pearl« The First Ten Days of Dhu’l HijjahMemorable Quotes from RIS »Car Thief With a Change of Heart
Heres a story narrated by Shaykh Hamza Yusuf as told to him by Dr. Tariq Suwaidan’s daughter. Shaykh Hamza mentioned this in his lecture at the RIS conference last week.

Somebody had stolen a car in Washington DC with one of the tapes from Purifcation of the Heart left turned on in the car. A week later, the car was returned along with a note that said "I apologize - but I kept the tapes".


Purification of The Heart, By Shaykh Hamza Yusuf is available on CD or audio cassette at Alhambra Productions

Thursday, January 05, 2006

The Quran of Uthman In Tashkent

Precious pearlI read the following article on the BBc wevsite so I thought people might be interested in reading it. A note aside I think a few years back one of the major auctions houses in London was sellling pages of a Holy Quran which was purported to belong to Uthman and had his blood on it too.In an obscure corner of the Uzbek capital, Tashkent, lies one of Islam's most sacred relics - the world's oldest Koran.

It is a reminder of the role which Central Asia once played in Muslim history - a fact often overlooked after seven decades of Soviet-imposed atheism.

The library where the Koran is kept is in an area of old Tashkent known as Hast-Imam, well off the beaten track for most visitors to this city.

It lies down a series of dusty lanes, near the grave of a 10th century scholar, Kaffel-Shashi.

The Mufti of Uzbekistan, the country's highest religious leader, has his offices there, in the courtyard of an old madrassa.

Just across the road stands a non-descript mosque and the equally unremarkable Mui-Mubarak, or "Sacred Hair", madrassa, which houses a rarely seen hair of the Muslim Prophet Muhammad, as well as one of Central Asia's most important collections of historical works.

"There are approximately 20,000 books and 3000 manuscripts in this library," said Ikram Akhmedov, a young assistant in the mufti's office.

"They deal with mediaeval history, astronomy and medicine. There are also commentaries on the Koran and books of law. But the oldest book here is the Othman Koran from the seventh century."

Sacred verses

The Othman Koran was compiled in Medina by Othman, the third caliph or Muslim leader.

Before him, the sacred verses which Muslims believe God gave to Muhammad were memorised, or written on pieces of wood or camel bone.

The Mufti of Uzbekistan has his office in the area
To prevent disputes about which verses should be considered divinely inspired, Othman had this definitive version compiled. It was completed in the year 651, only 19 years after Muhammad's death.

This priceless Koran is kept in a special glass-fronted vault built into the wall of a tiny inner room.

About one-third of the original survives - about 250 pages - a huge volume written in a bold Arabic script.

"The Koran was written on deerskin," said Mr Akhmedov. "It was written in Hejaz in Saudi Arabia, so the script is Hejazi, similar to Kufic script."

It is said that Caliph Othman made five copies of the original Koran. A partial Koran now in the Topkapi Palace in Istanbul is said to be another of these original copies.

Historical text

Othman was murdered by a rebellious mob while he was reading his book. A dark stain on its pages is thought to be the caliph's blood.

It was Othman's murder that precipitated the Shia-Sunni divide which has split the Muslim world ever since.

Later disputes over the succession led to a division between the mainstream Sunnis, and supporters of Othman's immediate successor, Ali, who became Shias.

The story of how the Othman Koran came to Tashkent is a remarkable one.

After Othman's death it is believed it was taken by Caliph Ali to Kufa, in modern Iraq. Seven hundred years later, when the Central Asian conqueror, Tamerlane, laid waste to the region, he found the Koran and took it home to grace his splendid capital, Samarkand.

It stayed there for more than four centuries, until the Russians conquered Samarkand in the 1868. The Russian governor then sent the Othman Koran to St Petersburg where it was kept in the Imperial Library.

But after the Bolshevik revolution, Lenin was anxious to win over the Muslims of Russia and Central Asia. Initially he sent the Koran to Ufa in modern Bashkortostan.

But finally, after repeated appeals from the Muslims of Tashkent, it was returned once more to Central Asia in 1924. It has remained in Tashkent ever since.

Visiting dignitaries from the Muslim world often turn up to see the Othman Koran in the depths of old Tashkent, so it is odd that it is still kept in such an out of the way location.

But the authoritarian Uzbek government has inherited a Soviet-era distrust of Islam, and still views much of its own Islamic history with suspicion.

The mufti's official religious establishment is closely watched and takes care not to attract too much attention to itself.

As a result, its greatest treasure, the world's oldest Koran, continues to sit quietly in the medieval quarter of old Tashkent.

Precious pearl: Precious pearl

Precious pearl: Precious pearl I heard about Ariel Sharons stroke and I thought to myself I hope he doesn't die not from any humanitarian feelings I had for Him . I Loathe him for who he is . He evacuated the Gaza settlements but they built new ones anyway. What I really loathe him for is the massacres of which he was responsible for in Lebanon in Sabr and Shatila where thousands were slaughtered by him and his allies. Since then the killings of thousands of innocent civilians. So I hope he suffers before he meets his creator.

It is time The West and especially the Americans put pressure and sanctions on the Israelis to meet all their legal obligations to the Palestinians and return all the occupied land and to stop the killing of innocent civilians.

I mourn for all the victims of Wars I mourn for the victims of Palestine, Iraq,Afghanistan. We do not hear their voices only the voices of their oppressors.

Allah is the one who hears and sees and knows .

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Precious pearl

Precious pearl I was reading on someone else's blog about how much she misses her grandmother who passed away, after reading that . It reminded me of how hard it is sometimes when you live far away from your loved ones. I have three small granddaughters all under the age of five who live in KSA and my daughter and I worry so much for them .

I worry also a great deal about my parents who are not Muslim especially as they are getting older , they are in their seventies. I love them a great deal. I suppose many revert brothers and sisters will have the same worries and anxieties about their families.


Precious pearl I am normally a book worm I just love to read and I usually always carry a book around in my handbag, But since I have returned from emirates I just have not been able to seriously get my head around a book . I have started reading Robert Fisks book The great War for Civilisation of the middle east . I also have Vikram SEths book a suitable boy on the go. In my handbag I have the book Called Why do people hate America it is a very popular book. Maybe when my daughter comes back from emirates. I will read more when Im banished to my room as the the wireless connection is not so good in my bedrrom as itis in hers . My husband complains that the laptop makes too much noise in the living room I think it is very quite.

I also bought a copy of Dalil al khayrat the new version that Shakh Nur followers have bought out it is has beautiful callighaphy and I try to read a read a page every day inshaallah my friend is giving me a copy of the english text of it . I also saw a copy on Aisha Bewleys hOmepage, each edition is slightly different.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006


Precious pearl I did not make any New year Resolutions I never do . I was asleep before the new year came I have been for the last few years. This year it was just my husband and I; all our children were away so it was very quite.

I went to the sales and stocked up on my favorite shoes . But this year I was Quite adventurous and bought a pair with about Two and half inch thin heels; When I was trying them on I was already tripping over in them , But I thought I might be needing them this year. Normally I always buy shoes for comfort and not for fashion.

IN November and DECEMBER I was looking for a dress suitable for a party and I went to my favorite shops where normally you can find something suitable especially if you are wearing Hijab, But I could not find anything I was very disappointed . Come the sales this paticular shop had so much stuff in that was not available three weeks before , I think they buy all this stuff in cheaply and try to sell it in the sales Whereas it was not even for sale in the shop before hand .

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Al Salam one of the names of the Almighty

Precious pearl. As-Salam. ‘And know that God invites man unto the abode of peace,
and guides him that wills to be guided onto a straight way.’ Al-Qur’an 10:25

I was stuck as I was reading some of the names of The almighty on the beauty and sublimity of the name As Salam. It gives us a sense of majesty and awe and peace and tranquility.


Precious pearl(Narrated Abu Huraira: Allah's Apostle said, "The first batch (of people) who will enter Paradise will be (glittering) like a full moon; and those who will enter next will be (glittering) like the brightest star. Their hearts will be as if the heart of a single man, for they will have no enmity amongst themselves, and everyone of them shall have two wives, each of whom will be so beautiful, pure and transparent that the marrow of the bones of their legs will be seen through the flesh.

They will be glorifying Allah in the morning and evening, and will never fall ill, and they will neither blow their noses, nor spit. Their utensils will be of gold and silver, and their combs will be of gold, and the fuel used in their centers will be the aloes-wood, and their sweat will smell like musk."

Bukhari (Book 54, Hadith 469)